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🌟 CLESIGN 特別活動:瑜伽·歷史·自然:帶您飛越長城之巔!🌟
🌟 CLESIGN 特別活動:瑜伽·歷史·自然:帶您飛越長城之巔!🌟

5月25日 週六


Huairou District

🌟 CLESIGN 特別活動:瑜伽·歷史·自然:帶您飛越長城之巔!🌟

來到中國北京,感受東方巨龍的宏偉氣勢!在歷經千年風霜的萬里長城上,與我們一起展開一場獨一無二的瑜伽之旅。 這不僅是一堂瑜伽課,更是一場穿越時空的文化體驗。在這裡,每一塊磚石都講述著古老的故事,風聲和血脈交織,帶您感受民族文化的心跳與呼吸。

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時間與地點 Time & Location

2024年5月25日 上午7:30 – 下午4:30 [GMT+8]

Huairou District, Huairou District, China, 101406

關於這次活動內容 About Event

🌟 CLESIGN 特別活動:瑜伽·歷史·自然:帶您飛越長城之巔!🌟

📅 日期: 5月25日 (星期六)

📍 地點: 慕田峪長城







⚫跟隨世界名師Mark Darby,探索阿斯汤加瑜伽的無限魅力

⚫INSIDE FLOW 熱門課程,與雲薇一起探索內觀瑜伽的深邃





備註: 活動票卷不含任何機票+酒店

🌟 CLESIGN Special Event: Yoga · History · Nature: Take Flight Over the Great Wall! 🌟

📅 Date: May 25 (Saturday)

📍 Location: Mutianyu Great Wall

Event Overview

Join us in Beijing, China, and feel the majestic presence of the Eastern Dragon! On the historic Great Wall, weathered by millennia, embark on a unique yoga journey with us.

This is not just a yoga class; it's a cultural experience transcending time. Each stone tells an ancient story, and the breeze intertwines with the pulse of history, letting you feel the heartbeat and breath of national culture.


Exclusive Great Wall Yoga Experience

Explore the Infinite Charm of Ashtanga Yoga with World-Renowned Mark Darby

Deepen Your Insight Flow with Yun Wei in the Popular INSIDE FLOW Course

Meditation at the Beacon Tower: Seek Inner Peace on the Ancient Great Wall

Fusion of History and Yoga: Relive Millennia of Legends on the Great Wall

Receive an Exclusive Co-branded Diamond Yoga Mat: The Ultimate Luxury Experience

Event Details

Price: NT$5800 Full-Day Pass

Includes: Exclusive Co-branded Diamond Travel Yoga Mat

Upgrade Option: NT$6800 for a 4.5MM Premium Yoga Mat

Note: Ticket does not include airfare or hotel accommodations

Join us for this one-of-a-kind yoga extravaganza! 🎉

Contact us for more event information!

Note: Event tickets do not include airfare or hotel accommodations.

門票 Tickets

  • 整天PASS藍寶石票

    全日活動套票 含: 長城指定聯名款式鑽石旅行瑜伽墊1.5MM套裝

    Sale ended
  • 整天PASS綠寶石票

    全日活動套票 含: 長城指定聯名款式鑽石瑜伽墊4.5MM套裝

    Sale ended



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