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以每一音符解鎖平靜與活力 — 探索全療頌缽瑜珈 在動作與聲音的和諧旋律中,實現身心靈的全面轉化

1 h
780 新台幣
Lane 332, Section 2, Zhongshan Road


進入一個靜謐的環境,在專業瑜珈導師的指導下,透過頌缽的和諧聲波和瑜珈的動作,體驗一場全方位的身心療癒之旅。此課程結合了瑜珈和聲音療癒的元素,專為尋求內在平靜和身體恢復的人們設計。無論您是瑜珈初學者還是有經驗的練習者,都可以從這堂課中獲得深刻的身心益處。 課程亮點: ⚫頌缽聲音療癒: 利用頌缽產生的自然振動頻率來調和身體各能量中心,促進深層放鬆和自我療癒。 ⚫瑜珈練習: 包含溫和的瑜珈動作和呼吸技巧,幫助放鬆緊張的肌肉,提高靈活性和整體平衡。 ⚫全方位療癒: 結合頌缽和瑜珈的獨特融合,為您的身體、心靈和情緒帶來全面的療癒。 ⚫適合所有人群: 本課程設計考慮到各種身體條件和年齡層,確保每個人都能安全參與並從中受益。 課程效益: ⚫提升心靈寧靜: 頌缽的振動與瑜珈的結合將帶領您進入深度放鬆的狀態,減輕壓力和焦慮。 ⚫增強身體健康: 透過改善血液循環和增強核心肌群來促進身體健康。 ⚫情緒平衡: 幫助釋放情緒困擾,達到情緒的平衡和穩定。 ⚫提高自我覺察: 透過持續的練習,增強對自身身心狀態的感知和調節能力。 Mind and Body Awakening: Holistic Healing with Singing Bowl Yoga Course Introduction: Step into serenity and embark on a comprehensive journey of mind-body healing under the guidance of our expert yoga instructors. This course marries the elements of yoga with the healing powers of sound therapy, designed for those seeking internal peace and physical rejuvenation. Whether you are new to yoga or an experienced practitioner, this class offers profound benefits for everyone. Course Highlights: ⚫Singing Bowl Sound Therapy: Harness the natural vibrational frequencies of singing bowls to harmonize the body's energy centers, promoting deep relaxation and self-healing. ⚫Yoga Practice: Features gentle yoga poses and breathing techniques to ease tense muscles, enhance flexibility, and improve overall balance. ⚫Holistic Healing: A unique fusion of singing bowls and yoga that brings comprehensive healing to your body, mind, and emotions. ⚫Suitable for Everyone: The course is thoughtfully designed to accommodate all fitness levels and ages, ensuring a safe and beneficial experience for all participants. Course Benefits: ⚫Enhanced Mental Clarity: The combination of singing bowls and yoga will guide you into a state of deep relaxation, reducing stress and anxiety. ⚫Improved Physical Health: Boost your circulation and strengthen core muscles, enhancing your physical well-being. ⚫Emotional Equilibrium: Helps release emotional blockages, achieving a balanced and stable emotional state. ⚫Increased Self-Awareness: Continuous practice enhances your ability to perceive and regulate your own physical and mental states. How to Participate: We warmly invite you to join this unique yoga healing course and start your journey of mind and body awakening. No special preparations are needed—just bring an open heart ready to explore and experience. For class schedules and booking details, please visit our website or contact our reception directly.

Upcoming Sessions


重要開課事項 ⚫24小時前若課程預約未達最低人數(2人),將不開課,並將通過系統通知學員。 健康與安全規範 ⚫上課前兩小時內請避免進食過量及飲酒,以確保練習時的舒適與安全。 ⚫上課前後請多補充水分,維持體內水分平衡。 ⚫學員應自行評估體質與健康狀況是否適合參加特定課程,必要時應先諮詢醫師意見。 ⚫若有特殊生理狀況(如懷孕等),請於課程開始前告知老師,本教室將不接受孕婦參與。 上課規則 ⚫請穿著適合瑜珈的運動服裝,保持手機靜音,上課期間禁止使用手機。 ⚫學員僅需攜帶水和毛巾,教室將提供瑜珈墊和基本瑜珈用品。為保障安全與隱私通知,教室設有CCTV全程錄影。 ⚫上課不設退費。教室提供更衣室,但不提供淋浴設施。 ⚫遲到與缺席規定:盡量於上課前10分鐘到達,開課5分鐘後禁止進入,以免影響課程進行。遲到或未出席視為放棄該次課程,將扣除一堂課費。 ⚫團體預約與取消:預約課程需於上課前12小時完成;取消課程須於24小時前辦理。逾時取消或未出席將扣除一堂課。 ⚫一對一預約與取消:預約課程需於上課前24小時完成;取消課程須於2天前辦理。逾時取消或未出席將扣除堂課。 ⚫個人物品:建議不攜帶貴重物品。學員可使用置物櫃,但教室不負保管責任。物品請於課後帶走,不得過夜。 特殊情況處理 ⚫若因健康、出差、旅遊等特殊情況需要延期,請提前告知並提供相關證明。 ⚫12小時前若課程預約未達最低人數(5人),教室有權取消課程,並將通過系統通知學員。 遵守以上規範,將有助於維護一個和諧、安全的瑜珈學習環境,讓每位學員都能在此找到身心的平衡與和諧。我們期待與您一起在瑜珈的道路上成長與探索。

Contact Details

  • Taiwan, New Taipei City, Zhonghe District, Lane 332, Section 2nd, Zhongshan Road, CLESIGN 內在光芒複合店
