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Ray - Dynamic Hip Mobility 動態髖關節靈活性訓練課程

釋放身體潛力,與Ray共舞人生 Unlock your body’s potential, move with Ray through life.

From 1,380 新台幣
Lane 332, Section 2, Zhongshan Road


英文授課 加入Ray Marangelo老師精心設計的「動態髖關節靈活性:靈活訓練課程」,專門針對提升髖關節靈活度和整體身體柔軟性。Ray老師,一位全球認證的瑜伽教練,擁有豐富的運動康復和體態調整經驗,其深厚的運動生物力學和身體力學背景確保了本課程不僅能改善髖關節的活動範圍,還能增強柔韌性、功能性動作和動態協調性。 在此課程中,您將: 學習先進的髖部解鎖技巧,釋放因現代生活方式導致的緊繃和僵硬。 通過靈活訓練增進全身協調性,提升日常活動和運動表現的效率。 掌握有效使用身體的方法,預防運動傷害,增進長期健康。 無論您是尋求提升運動表現的運動員,還是希望在日常生活中感受更大自由度的瑜伽愛好者,Ray的課程都將為您帶來顯著的益處。加入我們,開啟一段全新的身體自由之旅,讓您的每一步都充滿力量和靈活性。 Course Name Dynamic Hip Mobility: Ray Marangelo’s Mobility Course "Unlock your body’s potential, move with Ray through life." Course Overview Join Ray Marangelo in his expertly designed "Dynamic Hip Mobility: Mobility Course," tailored to enhance hip mobility and overall bodily flexibility. Ray, a globally certified yoga instructor, brings a wealth of expertise in sports rehabilitation and postural alignment. His extensive background in biomechanics and body mechanics ensures that his course not only improves the range of motion in the hips but also enhances flexibility, functional movement, and dynamic coordination throughout the body. In this course, you will: Learn advanced techniques to unlock the hips, releasing the tightness and stiffness caused by modern lifestyles. Enhance whole-body coordination through mobility training, elevating the efficiency of everyday activities and sports performance. Master effective body usage to prevent injuries and promote long-term health. Whether you are an athlete looking to improve your sports performance or a yoga enthusiast seeking greater freedom of movement in daily life, Ray’s course offers significant benefits. Join us and embark on a new journey of bodily freedom, ensuring each step you take is filled with strength and agility. *(Members are those who have purchased our products or are enrolled in our CLESIGN STUDIO courses)